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9 AM & 10:45 AM

10:45 AM

9 AM & 10:45 AM

9 AM & 10:45 AM

9 AM & 10:45 AM
We're so glad you're here! Stop by the first time guest
table for a gift and to meet one of our campus pastors!

Jesus, coffee,
& family.
No time to grab breakfast for you and the kids before heading out the door? We've been there.
Thanks to our amazing volunteers, there's a coffee bar with breakfast and snacks at each service.
Dress comfortably.
You don’t have to dress up. T-shirt, jeans, sweats, a pant-suit — whatever makes you comfortable.

With an age-appropriate environment with singing, Bible lessons, crafts, and games, kids will have a blast while learning about Jesus.
Learn More

It's the best way to start your week.
An hour of inspirational worship, meaningful and biblical preaching, and quality fellowship to kick start your week. Check out our latest Crosstown Together Day to see our church culture.